Listen To Tutorial Deleting Many Contacts On IPhones, Get Rid Of Banget!
How to delete multiple contacts on iPhone (photo: dock. Unsplash)

JAKARTA - When you see a lot of contacts stored double or more, you can delete them easily, directly on your phone.

But it seems, removing a lot of contacts at once on the iPhone is not as easy as if you have to do it on Android. However, you can still delete it the following way.

Can You Delete Many Contacts on iPhone?

Technically, Apple has an official method to delete multiple contacts at once on the iPhone. But, that's actually not very practical.

Unfortunately, you need a third-party application to easily delete contacts. The good news is, there is an application that you can use called Contact.

How to Delete Many Contacts on iPhone

You can delete some contacts on iPhone with simple moves, provided they are next to each other on the Contacts list.

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