Vida Affirms Gen-Z Needs To Be Aware Of Personal Data Security
Gen-Z is known as the technologically literate generation of digital natives. (photo: Doc. Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Gen-Z is known as the generation of digital natives who are technology literate. Even though they are accustomed to the latest technology, they are still worried about the security of their personal data.

It is evident from the results of the Komnas HAM survey in 2020 that Gen-Z aged 17-25 have concerns about the security of their personal data.

As many as 78.4 percent of respondents considered their personal data unsafe on the Internet. The Indonesian Political Indicators Survey in October 2022 also found that more than 30 percent of Gen-Z circles expressed doubt, where personal data registered in the application would ensure its confidentiality.

Welcoming the World Data Privacy Day which falls on January 28 this week, digital identity providers in Indonesia, VIDA again invites the government and industry to increase awareness of the protection of personal data and digital trust (digital trust) in the public.

This is also in line with the rules for protecting personal data that have just been ratified. This movement can also be a direct response to cyber threats that are increasingly occurring in Indonesia, one of which includes the issue of theft and misuse of identity and identity fraud.

The pattern of Gen-Z habits in cyber activities is easier to form when compared to other generations. This activity certainly brings many benefits, but there is also a threat to the security of personal data. This is considering that they are the first generation to adopt various new features," said VIDA Chief Revenue Officer Adrian Anwar in his statement quoted by VOI on Friday, January 20.

"Of course this needs to be a concern so that these young generations can better recognize the potential for cyber threats so that they can hold bigger responsibilities in the future," he added.

This view is also supported by a study conducted by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) which found that Gen-Z (51 percent) in the United States (US) and the UK had been victims of cyber attacks compared to the Baby Boomers (21 percent).

Although digital service users act as the frontline in protecting their own personal data, cybercrime mitigation efforts related to personal data also certainly need to be supported by the availability of technological innovations that are in line with the latest trends by digital business actors.

Fulfillment of cybersecurity demands needs to be considered to prevent potential doubts about digital services that lead to reluctance to carry out digital transactions.

The potential trend is one of the things that business people need to pay attention to in the midst of digital transformation considering that it can affect expansion or increase the scale of business.

"Awareness of the importance of personal data can start from the accuracy of the community, especially the millennial generation and Gen-Z before using digital applications and services by reading the terms and conditions before providing a consensus on the use of their personal data," said VIDA Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, Gajendran Kandasamy.

"The public also needs to pay attention to where they provide their personal data and whether they have been certified in managing the personal data of their users," he added.

With the demands for personal data security and the need for cyber crime mitigation technology, VIDA as the Organizer of Electronic Certification (PSE) under the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo), provides services centered on consumer characteristics and prioritizes the familiarity of comfort and safety of its use.

In addition, on the technical side of safety, products performed by VIDA have also received certification recognition from third-class world-class parties, including WebTrust, Adobe Advanced Trust List, ISO2701, and Cloud Signature Consortium TSP.

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