Hazardous Characteristics Of Menstruation, Immediately Handle If Experiencing These Symptoms
The characteristics of menstruation are dangerous (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Some women may experience abnormal menstruation. This condition could indicate that there is a disturbance in the body, whether it is mild or serious symptoms. To be more aware of reproductive health, you should understand the characteristics of menstruation that is dangerous.

When menstruation does not run normally, women will be confused and worried about their reproductive health condition. Unnormal menstruation conditions do not only occur with periods longer than usual. Women may experience menstruation with excessive blood volume or other abnormalities.

To anticipate and avoid more severe health problems, women need to know the dangerous characteristics of menstruation. By understanding the signs, you will be able to handle it more appropriately.

If menstruation occurs abnormally, then you need to be aware of it. Recognize what causes and conditions are to be able to carry out proper treatment. Here are some dangerous menstrual characteristics:

One of the signs of abnormal menstruation that needs to be watched out for is excessive menstrual bleeding. This condition is called menorrhage, which is when the amount of blood that comes out is much more than usual during menstruation.

This abnormal Haid can be recognized by often changing sanitary napkins in just a few hours. In addition, excessive bleeding is also often accompanied by longer menstruation durations, even exceeding 7 days.

If not treated, this condition can lead to anemia or blood deficiency. Symptoms of anemia that can be seen include a body that feels tired, pale skin, and shortness of breath.

Experiencing pain in the stomach during menstruation is a common thing for many women. Even for some women, the pain can interfere with daily activities. But you need to be alert if the pain spreads to your back and thighs, accompanied by a pulsed sensation that feels unusual.

You also need to be aware that this pain always appears in every menstrual cycle and continues to deteriorate even though you have taken pain relievers. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Normal menstruation generally lasts for 4 to 7 days. However, it should be noted if the menstrual schedule comes later or faster than usual.

This irregular Haid can be influenced by various factors, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, poor stress management, and disorders of the thyroid gland.

In addition, hormonal imbalance is also one of the main causes of unstable menstrual schedules. This condition can be triggered by various things, such as obesity, overly thin body, or emotional stress due to stress.

In general, women often find menstrual blood clots at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. This blood pressure is usually accompanied by bright or dark red blood.

Normally, blood clots only occur occasionally and do not last continuously. But you need to be alert if these blood clots are accompanied by other symptoms, such as bleeding outside of the menstrual schedule or irregular menstrual cycle.

Also note if the blood clot size reaches about 2.5 cm and does not decrease throughout the menstrual cycle. In conditions like this, it is better to check on yourself to medical personnel.

Those are the characteristics of menstruation that are dangerous and the tips for handling that you need to know. If you experience the symptoms above, you should immediately take treatment or check with an expert doctor. Also read the menstrual characteristics of cysts.

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