The Rise Of DDoS Attacks, Edgio Gives Tips To Keep E-commerce Players Safe
Illustration. (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Some time ago, Edgio, a provider of edge-enabled software solutions stated that Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have evolved over time.

A great example is, Edgio discovered the largest network layer DDoS attack (UDP Flood) which reached 355 million packets per second (Mpps) to an APAC-based e-commerce.

This DDoS attack will certainly have a negative impact on those affected. Edgio told VOI that the biggest impact of this type of attack is the loss of the company's online functions at crucial times, loss of potential revenue due to failure to conduct online transactions, and damage to brand reputation.

Seeing so many impacts resulting from DDoS attacks, VOI asked Edgio to provide tips for e-commerce players to avoid this.

According to Richard Yew as Senior Director of Product Management Security at Edgio, recommends that e-commerce has a holistic approach to security solutions to ensure all web-based applications and their network infrastructure are protected.

Tips for you

Furthermore, Richard provides some very useful tips to prevent DDoS attacks from getting into your business.

Ensure critical infrastructure, namely the Domain Name System (DNS) system is protected. It is best to use a global DNS network that has layered backups to ensure it is attack-resistant and has high availability. Ensure that all e-commerce websites, applications and application programming interfaces (APIs) are delivered from a highly stable edge network with a transfer rate of at least 150Tbps and a global PoP presence. It also helps obscure their own online infrastructure from the public internet so that attackers won't be able to reach them directly without going through the edge network. Never underestimate the power of an app's DDoS attack. While a network DDoS attack uses a barrage of hacking attacks to overwhelm your network, an application or Layer 7(L7) DDoS attack is a precision attack that targets the most vulnerable part of your application's backend, the database. So it's also important to implement a Web Application & API Protection (WAAP) solution with L7 DDoS protection rules with detailed data to reduce attacks to your application's backend. Finally, e-commerce companies need to have a reliable 24x7 security operations team. Building a security operations team is challenging, so you need to have a strong vendor who has the expertise and can leverage their service team to help you maintain operational security.

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