To Make It Easier For Customers, ChatGPT Is Now Present In Audi Cars
The AI feature is present in the interior of the Audi Q6 e-tron vehicle. (Doc. Audi AG)

JAKARTA - German automaker Volkswagen announced the integration of ChatGPT artificial intelligence (AI) in all ID model lines, all electric, new golf, Tiguan to Passat.

Now a subsidiary of Volkswagen, Audi, also announced that Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based ChatGPT technology will be present in all production vehicles since 2021. It is stated that this technology will be implemented through Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service on information.

Audi's Vice President of Interior, Infotainment, and Connectivity Development Marcus Keith, said the ChatGPT technology will be used through sophisticated voice control so that it can help vehicle owners to personalize in the cabin.

"In addition to a series of voice-controlled functions, our customers will now benefit from simple and secure access to AI-based knowledge," Keith said as quoted from the brand's official website, Friday, June 28.

Audi drivers can use enhanced voice control to operate infotainment systems, navigation, air conditioning, and even to raise general knowledge questions. The ability to request information using natural language makes driving safer, as drivers do not need to take their eyes off the road.

Audi has also improved voice assistants on models with the latest E3 1.2 architecture, one example in Q6 e-tron. Users only need to say Hi Audi or use push-to-talk buttons on the steering wheel to ask questions.

Audi Assistant automatically recognizes whether to carry out vehicle functions, find destinations, or, for example, provide weather forecasts. The Audi system only forwards questions to the ChatGPT if it cannot answer questions of general knowledge.

However, users of this feature do not need to worry about privacy data. Brands can ensure this is the highest priority to ensure optimal privacy, all questions and answers will be deleted after processing. Moreover, ChatGPT never had access to vehicle data.

ChatGPT is available through the OpenAI Azure Service. The new platform for Audi subscribers is a Chat Pro solution from Cerence Inc., which offers automotive-level ChatGPT integration.

This integration system will also be present in the next 2021 issue model from MIB 3, starting from Audi A3 in July followed by several models in the future.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by