Electric Vehicle Users Increase Lebaran 2024, YLKI: No Complaints On Charges Yet
PLN officers explained the electric vehicle charging facility to SPKLU users at the PLN UID Central Kalimantan Office, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. (DOC. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - According to PLN data, the use of electric vehicles increased during the 2024 Eid homecoming.

The Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation (YLKI) stated that until now there have been no complaints regarding the charging of electric vehicles during the 2024 Eid homecoming and return flow.

"Until now, there have been no complaints from consumers for charging electric vehicles for data on the homecoming flow and back to Lebaran 2024," said YLKI Complaints Division Head Rio Priambodo in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, April 20.

Similar conditions, he continued, also occurred last year, there were no complaints about charging electric vehicles during the 2023 Eid homecoming and backflow.

Meanwhile, YLKI Chairman Tulus Abadi added that there were no complaints from consumers regarding the charging of electric vehicles because they were supported by the readiness and availability of public electric vehicle charging stations (SPKLU) on a number of toll roads in the country during the 2024 Eid homecoming and return flow.

"Now, SPKLU is spread evenly across Trans-Java and Trans-Sumatra Toll Roads and several other vital points," he said.

According to him, the availability of SPKLU in each rest area along the Trans-Java and Trans-Sumatra toll roads proves that there has been in-depth and thorough research related to the travelability of electric vehicles.

Previously, the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi appreciated the readiness of the SPKLU or charging station for electric vehicles during the 2024 Eid homecoming and return flow.

"So far, the number of electric vehicles used by travelers and charging stations has no complaints from users, so it's enough," said Budi Karya in Jakarta, Friday (19/4/2024).

Whereas during Lebaran 2024, it is estimated that more than 4,000 units of electric vehicles or 18 percent of the total units undergo homecoming and return flow.

"So actually, for electric vehicles during Lebaran, the government has prepared by completing the charging station in several places/locations," he said.

This condition proves that the state through PLN has been able to prove its commitment to supporting the smooth homecoming of Lebaran 2024 for electric vehicle (EV) users.

"I think PLN is very cooperative in mapping out the number of charging stations. I hope that in the future it will be the same," he said.

From this mapping, thousands of SPKLUs have been prepared and alerted to anticipate queues for charging electric vehicles. In fact, the government through PLN has prepared it long before the 2024 Eid homecoming period takes place, including presenting more than 1,200 SPKLU.

According to the data, the provision of charging stations does not only focus on four-wheeled electric vehicles, but has also prepared around 2,000 units of public electric vehicle (SPBKLU) battery exchange stations and nearly 10,000 units of public electric charging stations (SPLU) for two-wheeled electric vehicles.

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