Hyundai Opens Synthetic Fuel Development Option
Hyundai IONIQ 5. (Doc. Hyundai)

JAKARTA - In recent years, major changes have occurred in the world's automotive industry, many manufacturers have moved from conventional fuel to electrical and hydrogen energy. All of this brings hope for a better, environmentally friendly future.

Nevertheless, there are also manufacturers that still produce gasoline-fueled cars and some are starting to develop ways to save through the use of synthetic fuels.

The manufacturer that decided to switch to electricity was Hyundai which was aggressively developing products without emissions.

However, Hyundai also revealed that the door was not closed for a combustion model that would later use synthetic fuel.

Quoted from Motor1, Monday, April 3, Jin Cha, as Vice President and Head of Global PR Corporate Strategy and Planning Team Hyundai, revealed that his party did not rule out developing synthetic fuel cars.

"With some employees, we're not entirely sure about what engineers are doing in terms of research, so that's the reason we don't rule out Hyundai's possibility of developing synthetic fuel use. However, there is no commercialization of synthetic fuel from Hyundai, but who knows about the future?," said Jin Cha.

Some time ago, the European Union has agreed to compromise the proposed sale of combustion engine (ICE) cars to continue from 2035, but must use synthetic fuel (e-fuels).

E-fuels are carbon-free fuels. Although already proposed, e-fuels fuel is not yet available in large quantities.

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