In The Past, Once Tweeted A Link To An Illegal Film, Now Tjahjo Kumolo Apologizes For Posting A Photo Of The Cisumdawu Toll Road Which Turns Out To Be In Turkey
MenPAN RB Tjahjo Kumolo/DOK ANTARA

JAKARTA - MenPAN-RB Tjahjo Kumolo apologized for posting the wrong photo which he called the Cisumdawu Toll Road, West Java. Even though the photo that was tweeted on his Twitter account was a street in Turkey.

"I'm sorry that the posting of the toll road in West Java turned out to be wrong, not in West Java (I got the wrong information) thanks for your attention - tjahjokumolo," said Tjahjo via Twitter account @tjahjo_kumolo, Sunday, October 10.

While quoted from the Kominfo website, the post with the Cisumdawu Toll narrative was first uploaded by an account with the name of Cyber Army Mothers.

Narration "The view of the Cisumdawu, Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan toll road, 60 km, which cuts and breaks through the hill". Previously the image was claimed to be a road in India.

"After investigating, it turns out that the claims against the photo are not true. The picture of the toll road is neither in India nor in Indonesia, but the D400 Mersin-Antalya highway in Turkey," the statement said.

Tjahjo Ever Tweeted Illegal Movie Links

Previously, the tweet from the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Tjahjo Kumolo, on his Twitter account, drew criticism for sharing links to films that were uploaded illegally.

In the @tjahjo_kumolo account, Tjahjo lists 16 links to upload films on Youtube with the theme of independence. Among them are Pejoeang, Six Hours in Jogja, Janur Kuning, Fajar Attack, Troops Dare to Die.

Then, the films General Sudirman, The Last Train, The Virgin in the Southern Sector, The Boundary of General Sudirman, Merdeka or Die Surabaya 1945, Cut Nyak Dien, The Enlightenment, When Bung Karno was in Ende, The Kyai, Kartini Baru, and Twilight Red in Magelang .

Tjahjo's tweet disappointed Joko Anwar, a director, screenwriter and film producer. In his Twitter account @jokoanwar, he said that his hopes regarding the government's seriousness in supporting the creative industry had been lost.

"Is it true that a minister @jokowi distributes links to Indonesian films that are uploaded illegally on Youtube? If so, let me be heartbroken and lose hope that the Indonesian government seriously supports or understands the creative industry," said Joko Anwar.

"Many of the links shared here were uploaded illegally without the permission of the copyright owner of the film. There is no point in celebrating 75 years of independence if we take other people's rights, whatever the reason. It is also impossible to educate people about IPR if the government doesn't understand," he continued. .

"I apologize if I made a mistake. I didn't think long and then ended up complaining," said TJahjo to VOI, Monday, August 17.

Tjahjo explained, initially he got the link information from a friend's WhatsApp message. "I got the post from a friend. Wow, this is a good film, in accordance with independence day, so I spontaneously share it," explained Tjahjo.

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