Beaten By A Cellmate At The Criminal Investigation Unit, Muhammad Kece Reports To The Police
Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono/PHOTO VIA ANTARA

JAKARTA - The suspect in the alleged blasphemy case, Muhammad Kosman aka Muhammad Kece, reported his cell mate to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. M Kece admitted that he had been a victim of persecution.

"The reporter (M Kece) reports that he has received persecution from a person who is currently a prisoner at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police", said Head of Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Friday, September 17.

Muhammad Kece's report is registered with the number LP: 0510/VIII/2021/Bareskrim, dated August 26, 2021.

In an effort to investigate the case, Rusdi said that his party had conducted an investigation. Several witnesses have been questioned.

"This police report has been followed up. It has examined 3 witnesses. Then also collected relevant evidence", said Rusdi.

In fact, Rusdi emphasized that the status of the case had been upgraded to an investigation. Investigators will soon identify the suspect.

"Later on from the evidence, a case will be carried out and will determine the suspect in this case", said Rusdi.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Kece has been detained at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit detention center. He was arrested on suspicion of blasphemy by inserting the word 'Jesus' in Muslim greetings.

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