Here Are Tips To Avoid Falling Trees In The Rainy Season
Fallen tree hits car on road/ Photo: The Tribune India

JAKARTA – The rainy season is here, there are many things that need to be considered. Especially for road users and motorcyclists or cars to focus more on driving. It is undeniable that a number of fallen tree events often occur around us. Even to the point of causing casualties, and material losses. Then how to avoid falling trees on the road while driving?

Reporting from various sources, the following are tips to avoid falling trees when driving in the rainy season:

1. Monitor weather developments. Before leaving for your destination, make sure you get weather information first. It can be through an application on a smartphone or view the news.

2. Make a decision. If at that time it was raining heavily and the wind was strong, while the need was not so urgent, you should be able to postpone or wait for the rain to stop.

3. Digital maps. Also, take advantage of digital maps to choose a route that is relatively safe from potential traffic jams due to rain or the risk of a large object falling.

4. Social Media. You can also monitor social media from official police accounts, online media, toll road managers, or other accounts that often provide up-to-date traffic information.

5. Be vigilant on the road. However, if heavy rain conditions accompanied by strong winds occur in the middle of the trip, then you are required to be more focused, increase alertness and reduce speed.

Photo: mixkit

6. Focus. If suddenly in front of you there is a falling object, such as a tree or a power pole, pay attention to the direction of the falling object.

7. Keep Calm. Don't panic and stay focused on the road.

8. Look at nearby vehicles. If the fall doesn't lead to your car or the road you're on, simply lift your foot off the gas pedal while being aware of the conditions around the car.

9. Try not to be surprised. There is no need for evasive maneuvers or sudden braking when not needed.

10. Brake option. If the object falls towards the car or into the path you are going through, reduce the speed by braking.

11. Don't panic. Adjust the braking power to the evolving situation.

In connection with all of that, monitor the conditions behind the car through the glass and understand the position of fallen trees or poles. That is, if the tree falls from the left side, immediately peek in the right side mirror of the car, and vice versa. If it is safe and if it is necessary, immediately perform an evasive maneuver in the opposite direction. But don't be too aggressive because usually, the road conditions are slippery, and once again make sure the road conditions are safe.

If it's safe, pull over the car and see if any damage occurs to your car.

How to avoid being hit by trees or other objects such as billboards and electricity poles when parking? The best way is to find a safe parking space that is not in an open area, especially under a shady tree.

A large, fragile object, prone to falling when there is a big wind. Parking inside the building is the safest place. Or if you are forced to go outside, pay attention to the surrounding situation from the risk of falling objects.

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