YouTuber Muhammad Kece's Allegation Of Blasphemy Religion, Police: Status Still Reported
Karo Penmas Police Public Relations Division Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono/Polri Public Relations DOK

JAKARTA - The National Police stated that Youtuber Muhammad Kece's legal status is still a reported case in the alleged blasphemy case. The case is still under preliminary investigation.

"(The status) is still reported," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono when confirmed, Tuesday, August 24.

So far, the process of handling cases of alleged blasphemy is still at the stage of collecting evidence. The collection of evidence is also in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo).

After the evidence collection process is complete, continued Rusdi, the investigative team will ask for information from the reporting party, witnesses, and Muhammad Kece. But, for the time of the examination until now not sure.

"While the investigators (examination) have not informed them," said Rusdi briefly.

Previously, the National Police stated that four police reports (LP) had been received regarding the matter. The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, said that with the report, the investigation process had already been carried out.

"(Police reports) 1 in the Criminal Investigation Department and 3 in the regions," said Agus.

Although there were four reports, continued Agus, the handlers were decided to be combined. Thus, it is concentrated in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"Everything will be collected at the Criminal Investigation Unit," said Agus. "The process is ongoing (case handling)," he continued.

In fact, Kabareskrim emphasized that prior to reporting, his party had detected the alleged criminal violation. Detection of alleged blasphemy based on cyber patrols.

"We have Cyber Patrol, if netizens get our time, don't we. Then there are those who make a report to the National Police Headquarters and the ranks," said Komjen Agus.

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