Former Director General Of Taxes Files Pre-Trial Lawsuit Against KPK
ANTARA/Former Director of Audit and Collection at the Directorate General of Taxes, Angin Prayitno Aji

JAKARTA - The former Director of Inspection and Collection of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Angin Prayitno, has submitted a pretrial to the South Jakarta District Court. He is a suspect in the alleged bribery case of tax audits at the 2016-2017 DGT Ministry of Finance.

Based on the Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) of the South Jakarta District Court, Angin Prayitno's lawsuit is registered with case number 68/Pid.Pra/2021/PN JKT.SEL. The lawsuit was filed on June 16 last.

There are seven petitions that he submitted, namely:

To grant this Pretrial application in its entirety;

Declare Investigation Order (Sprin.Dik) No. Sprin.Dik/03/DIK.00.01/02/2021 dated February 4, 2021 which was used as the basis by the Respondent to carry out an investigative action against the Petitioner and establish the Petitioner as a suspect in connection with the alleged criminal act of corruption based on Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b or Article 11 of Law no. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 with the events as stated in the Sprindik is invalid and not legally binding;

Stating that the investigative action based on the Investigation Order (Sprin.Dik) No. Sprin.Dik/03/DIK.00.01/02/2021 dated February 4, 2021, which was committed by the Respondent to the Petitioner in relation to the alleged criminal act of corruption based on Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b or Article 11 of Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 with the events as stated in the Sprindik is invalid and not legally binding;

Stating that the determination of the suspect against the Petitioner in the context of an investigation is based on the Investigation Order (Sprin.Dik) No. Sprin.Dik/03/DIK.00.01/02/2021 dated February 4, 2021, which was committed by the Respondent in connection with an alleged criminal act of corruption based on Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b or Article 11 of Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 with the events as stated in the Sprindik is invalid and not legally binding;

Stating that the detention of the Petitioner based on the Detention Order No. Sprin.Han/24/DIK.01.03/01/05/2021 dated May 4, 2021 is invalid and not legally binding;

Ordered the Respondent to release the Petitioner and release him from custody;

To declare that all confiscation actions based on the Seizure Order Number Sprin.Sita/121/DIK.01.05/20-23/04/2021 contained in the Minutes of Confiscation dated May 25, 2021 and/or other confiscation actions in this case are invalid and invalid legally binding;

At the SIPP, this lawsuit is scheduled for Monday, July 19 with the agenda of summoning the KPK, which is the respondent.

Previously, the KPK named two officials at the Directorate General of Taxes as suspects, namely the Director of Audit and Collection at the 2016-2019 Directorate General of Taxes Angin Prayitno Aji and the Head of the Sub-directorate of Cooperation and Audit Support of the Directorate General of Taxes Dadan Ramdani.

The determination of the suspect was carried out after the KPK examined 30 witnesses who were suspected of knowing the actions of the suspects.

In addition, the KPK has also named four other suspects in this alleged bribery. They are three tax consultants, namely Ryan Ahmad Ronas, Aulia Imran Maghribi, and Agus Susetyo, and a tax attorney, Veronika Lindawati.

In this case, Angin and Dadan are suspected of having received money three times in 2018-2019.

In January-February 2018 there was a cash receipt of Rp. 15 billion which was handed over by representatives of PT GMP, namely Ryan Ahmad and Aulia Imran.

Furthermore, receipts were also made in mid-2018 in the amount of 500 thousand Singapore dollars which was submitted by Veronika Lindawati as a representative of PT BPI. This figure is part of the commitment that has been approved, which is Rp. 25 billion.

The last money received occurred in July-September 2019. This money was received from a representative of PT Jhonlin Baratama, namely Agung Susetyo, worth 3 million Singapore dollars.

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