Former Head Of Lau Village, Kudus, Central Java Becomes Suspect Of Corruption In Village Fund Losses Of IDR 1.8 Billion
Holy Police Headquarters. (Photo: Akhmad Nazaruddin Lathif/Antara)

JAKARTA - Kudus Police, Central Java, named former Village Head Lau HS as a suspect for alleged irregularities in the use of village funds in the 2018/2019 budget year with a loss value of around Rp. 1.8 billion. since Friday (9/7) they have been detained at the same time," said the Head of the Kudus Police AKBP Aditya Surya Dharma through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Agustinus David in Kudus, Monday. various related agencies. The value of the loss for the alleged misappropriation of village funds based on the results of an audit from the BPKP was Rp. 1.8 billion. The value of the loss, he said, was because the suspect had misused village funds for 2 budget years.

For the transfer of the files to the Kudus District Attorney's Office, his party is waiting for all the files to be declared complete because the case is still in progress. However, once it is confirmed that it is complete, it will be transferred. Before being handed over to law enforcement officials, the village fund case was handled by the Kudus Regency Inspectorate. However, a number of recommendations given to former village heads who were suspected of cases of misuse of village funds were not followed up. Until the stipulated deadline, the recommendations had not been finalized. The Kudus Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service had also facilitated so that the parties suspected of being involved to solve it because his main task is limited to administrative order

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