Firearms And Ammunition Finder For The Papuan KKB Nduga Arrested
Head of Public Relations of Polda Papua Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal (DOK PR of Polda Papua)

JAYAPURA - A joint police team has arrested a search for firearms and ammunition for KKB Nduga, Papua. The perpetrator who was arrested was named Paniel Kogoya.

Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, said the perpetrator was arrested at his residence on Jalan Poros Kali Bobo. Then the perpetrators who were looking for ammunition and firearms were brought to the Nabire Police

"Currently, the Paniel Kogoya perpetrator is still under intensive investigation by investigators at the Nabire Police," said Kombes Kamal in a written statement, Tuesday, April 20.

The arrest of the supplier of firearms and ammunition was carried out based on the statements of the suspect with the initials DC and FA who was arrested in October 2020.

DC in the interrogation admitted that he had transactions of firearms and ammunition from Paniel Kogoya. Among them are buying an M4 type weapon in June 2019 for IDR 300 million, a M16-type firearm in December 2019 for IDR 300 million. DC also ordered firearms in early 2020.

"In addition, it is known that in 2017, the Paniel Kogoya perpetrator received 2 (two) firearms including 1 M4 and 1 pistol purchased from JA and then delivered by DC near the Kalibobo Adventist Church, Nabire Regency. Then in 2018, the Paniel Kogoya perpetrator received an M16 firearm from DC, "said Kamal.

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