BATURAJA Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Police, South Sumatra, is investigating the murder case of a Rukun Tetangga (RT) chairman in Gunung Meraksa Village, Lubuk Batang District. The victim was found dead in a pathetic death at the Kisam Bridge last Saturday at around 08.00 WIB.
OKU Police Chief, AKBP Imam Zamroni, revealed that the victim was Wawansyah (52). From the results of the examination at Ibnu Sutowo Hospital, the victim suffered nine stab wounds to his back and wounds to his right and left arms.
"From the results of the medical examination, the victim suffered nine stab wounds to death at the crime scene (TKP)," said AKBP Imam Zamroni as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, February 2.
According to witness testimony, before being found dead, the victim was involved in a fight with an unknown person.
"The victim is thought to have died as a result of the murder because a witness saw him fighting with someone before the incident," he added.
Currently, the police have conducted a crime scene investigation and asked for statements from a number of witnesses to reveal the motive and identify the perpetrators.
"We are currently handling this case to reveal the motive and who the perpetrator is responsible for this murder," said the Police Chief.
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