JAKARTA - Police arrested a man with the initials DD (45) suspected of shooting a cat using an air rifle on Jalan Molek VI Blok S 2, Kelapa Gading Timur, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta (Jakut), Tuesday, January 21, then.
Kelapa Gading Police Chief, Kompol Seto Handoko said the alleged perpetrator took the action because he was annoyed with the actions of cats who often urinated in their cars.
"(The motive was upset) he said he often urinated and slept in the perpetrator's car so that his car had abrasions," said Seto when confirmed, Thursday, January 23.
Based on CCTV footage, the cat belonging to the woman with the initials M was in front of the suspect's house. Shortly thereafter, DD took his air rifle and immediately fired at the animal.
Seto said that DD actually did not know which cat had abrased the car. However, because of his frustration with the cat, this action was taken.
"But it's not clear either, he can't explain which cat damaged his car. That's why when he saw the cat in front of the house, he was immediately shot," he said.
The action was caught on CCTV and went viral on social media. As a result, he received a response from the cat lover community until finally there was a lot of public discussion.
The police, who received the information, immediately moved and arrested the perpetrator on Wednesday, January 22, yesterday.
Currently, the suspect has been named a suspect. He was charged with Article 302 of the Criminal Procedure Code and / or Article 406 of the Criminal Procedure Code with a penalty of 2 years and 8 months in prison.
"Already as a suspect," he concluded.
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