JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law (Kemenkum) officially acknowledged the management of Irfan Ardiansyah to the Indonesian Notary Association (INI). This determination is a step to resolve the dispute over management that has occurred recently in the professional organization.
The Director General of General Legal Administration (AHU) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Widodo, explained that the decision was made after the two management parties, namely Irfan Ardiansyah and Tri Firdaus, did not reach an agreement after being given 14 days by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights since December 23, 2024 to complete the dualism of leadership that occurred.
"In accordance with the laws and regulations, the government has the right to determine the legitimate leadership, in this case the Minister of Law and the Directorate General of AHU," Widodo said at the Press Conference for Reconciliation of the Indonesian Notary Association in Jakarta, Thursday, January 16, was confiscated by Antara.
With this recognition, he said Irfan was asked to immediately submit a request for ratification of this basic budget change electronically through the official website of the Directorate General of AHU ahu.go.id, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
In establishing Irfan as General Chair of the Central Executive Board (PP) for the period 2023-2026, Widodo explained that his party was considering the juridical and sociological aspects.
In the juridical aspect, he said that the things considered were the decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court, both at the first level and at the appeal level, which strengthened and established Irfan's leadership as elected chairman.
Thus, he said, all matters relating to evidence, validity, trial, congress, and so on have been proven in court.
Meanwhile, from a sociological aspect, he said that Irfan's management was supported by 24 regional administrators from 33 regional administrators. In addition, it was also found that the selection of Tri Firdaus as the administrator at that time was not carried out based on the basic budget mechanism and this household budget.
"This is important to be a guide for all, both juridical and sociological aspects, because this is awaited by fellow notaries throughout Indonesia," he said.
As a result of the differences in management that have occurred so far, continued Widodo, some notaries do not get optimal attention, guidance, and protection when summoned by law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties.
In fact, he emphasized that notaries need guidance, supervision, and protection in carrying out their duties, both from the government and organizations, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
"Hopefully this decision can be a real step in restoring unity in this body, so that the organization can refocus on its vision and mission as a notary professional forum that supports the legal interests of society and the nation," said Widodo.
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