Excess And Lack Of Waisya Theory In Hindu Buddha History In Indonesia
Excess And Lack Of Waisya Theory. (Doc. Borobudur Park)

YOGYAKARTA - One of the areas affected by Hindu-Buddha culture is Indonesia. Based on historical records, Hindu-Buddha entered Indonesia around the 4th or 5th centuries. One of the proofs is a kingdom with Hindu-Buddha patterns in Indonesia in early AD, for example the Kingdoms of Kutai, Tarumanegara, Ancient Mataram, and Sriwijaya. Meanwhile, there are many theories that explain the origin of Hindu-Buddhaism into Indonesia, one of which is Waisya's Theory.

According to G. Codes, the main thing that motivates Indian traders to come to Southeast Asia is the desire to get mining goods, especially gold and forest products. The theory that supports G. Codes' opinion is the Waisya Theory of NJ Krom. Check out the explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of Waisya Theory below.

According to Waisya's Theory, Hinduism entered Indonesia through Indian traders. This theory was revealed by NJ Krom, who argued that Hindu-Buddhaism entered Indonesia by being brought by traders from India. This religion can be spread by marriage, trade relationship, or interaction with local residents when traders from India stay for a while in the archipelago. The traders not only brought their merchandise, but also introduced customs and customs from their country.

Social interactions

In carrying out buying and selling transactions, traders from India, who also carry their culture, will certainly interact with local communities. This well-running interaction makes business smooth. From this point on, many people began to understand the teachings of Hinduism and its cultures. Slowly, many people understand and begin to explore Hindu teachings and then become Hindus.

Indonesian natural resources

Indonesia's abundant natural resources make traders or Waisya groups interested in trading.

The traders, mostly from India, began to come to Indonesia to trade. Over time, the traders then began to settle in several parts of Indonesia and began to spread their religion and culture.


Indian traders who live or do not have marriages with local residents in Indonesia. From this marriage, Hindu-Buddha religious and cultural teachings began to spread into families, until they had descendants. His descendants then continued Hindu-Buddha religious and cultural teachings.

The existence of Keling Village

Indian traders who settled in Indonesia then established a village, called Keling Village. Keling Village is located in several areas in Indonesia, some in Jepara, Medan, Malacca, and Aceh. With the existence of this village, the stronger evidence of the spread of Hindu-Buddha religion and culture carried out by Indian traders.


Hindu-Buddha teachings are written in Sanskrit and the script of Pallawa, so reading them requires special expertise. People who can write the script of Pallawa and read Sanskrit should at least have the Kasta Brahmana. Therefore, Kasta Waisya will usually find it difficult to study the teachings of Hindu Buddhism. This is contrary to Waisya's Theory, which says that traders (Waisya) are able to read Sanskrit and spread their teachings of religion.

The interests of the traders

Traders who come to Indonesia have a purpose only to trade, so it is unlikely to spread Hindu-Buddha teachings. They only focus on trading for profit to be able to survive.

Such is the review of the advantages and disadvantages of Waisya Theory. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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