Not Always Solid, It Turns Out That This Is The Reason Prabowo Routinely Gathers The Chairman Of The Coalition
The meeting of the party chairman in the advanced Indonesia coalition (ANTARA)

JAKARTA UI political observer, Cecep Hidayat, assessed that the social security of political parties that are members of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Plus has made President Prabowo Subianto regularly gather and meet with general chairmen of coalition political parties.

According to him, KIM Plus contains large political parties such as Golkar, Gerindra, PAN, Democrats, and others. Therefore, KIM Plus must be managed properly so as not to trigger internal coalition politics that has the potential to cause rifts and threats of national political stability.

Not only big political parties, the small political parties who are members of the fat coalition also have certain ambitions to seek short and long-term benefits. The small parties will continue to attract sympathy until they present a competition between them," said Cecep, Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

In addition, it is still open to the possibility that the PDIP after the congress will be tempted by the position in the government. Because, it is possible that the Hasto Kristiyanto group who are resistant to the government will be replaced by groups in the PDIP who are pro-to-government. Of course, this will change the national political constellation.

"There is a possibility that PDIP is tempted to join the government, but this could damage their ideology as an ideological party and as an opposition," he added.

He saw that it was the opposition who would face a tough test. Although solidity on the opposition side still exists, it can be disrupted by the internal ripples that arise. If there is no conflict within the party, PDIP will remain strong as long as Megawati Soekarnoputri is still in the lead.

"However, the real test for the party will appear after the Megawati era. The sustainability of the PDIP leadership will greatly determine the role of the party in the future. After Megawati is still a big question mark," said Cecep.

Previously, the Deputy Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Saan Mustopa, said that the meeting of political party leaders who were members of KIM Plus was a routine or regular meeting, one of which was the agenda of discussing the solidity of President Prabowo Subianto's government for the first 100 days.

He stated that routine meetings were needed to strengthen Prabowo's government. "So for communication and so on, strengthen each other. All parties are committed to strengthening and providing their support for Pak Prabowo's government," added Saan.

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