Bareskrim Names New Suspects NET89 And TPPU

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named a new suspect in the NET89 trading robot case and the total money laundering crime (TPPU) of 14 suspects in the series of cases.

"Yes, that's right, now there are 14 suspects," said Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Kompol Karta, to VOI, Tuesday, December 31.

The new suspect in question is Theresia Lauren, wife of Andreas Andreyanto as the founder of PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia (SMI).

Meanwhile, for TPPU, Karta said that PT SMI had also been named a corporate suspect.

"The re-investigation process has determined the suspect again, which was originally 10 people, now 14 including PT SMI in the form of a corporation in the Crime of Money Laundering," he said.

Apart from Theresia Lauren, Andreas Andreyanto, and PT SMI, other suspects are Lauw Swan Hie Samuel, Erwin Saeful Ibrahim, Ferdi Iwan, Arwin Aliwarga, Reza Shahrani alias Reza Paten, YW, AR, MA, BS, PT SMI, DI, and HS.

From the results of the re-investigation carried out, the victims of the NET89 trading robot case reached thousands of people. Then, the amount of loss is around Rp. 1 trillion.

"Until now, the total number of victims of the VOTING robot PT SMI Net89 is around 7,000 people and the loss range is around Rp. 1 trillion," said Karta.

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