Serkabur Anggota Lanud Silas Papare Bakar Istri Gegara Charger HP Diperiksa Puspomau Jayapura
Illustration of the fire. (Unplash-Ricardo Gomez Angel)

JAYAPURA - Air Force Military Police Unit (Puspomau) Base TNI AU Silas Papare Jayapura has investigated Serka Mabur, the perpetrator of the arson to the death of his wife Elis Agustina Yotha.

Commander of the Indonesian Air Force Base (Danlanud) Silas Papare, Marsma Mokh Mukhso said the perpetrator, who is a member of Silas Air Base, would be firmly sanctioned for his behavior.

"Currently the perpetrator is under investigation and if found guilty, he will be sentenced according to his actions," he said in a release in Sentani, Jayapura, Papua, Tuesday, December 17, which was confiscated by Antara.

Danlanud said the incident started because of a charger problem or a cell phone charger.

This quarrel between husband and wife then sparked persecution. Because of his unstoppable emotions, Serka Mabur burned his wife to death.

According to Danlanud, the victim had to undergo intensive treatment due to the actions of her husband Serka Mabur. The victim was also transferred from the ICU to the surgical inpatient room because his condition improved.

However, his life could not be saved after being treated at the Youwari Hospital for two weeks. The victim died on Sunday, December 15 afternoon WIT.

"The victim (Elis Agustina Yotha) died after battling burns for two weeks at the Yowari Hospital," said Danlanud.

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