Tree Falls During Rain And Strong Winds In Kemayoran, 1 Victim
Fallen tree evacuation officers/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds that hit the Central Jakarta area and its surroundings caused a number of trees in the Kemayoran area to fall on Monday, December 2, noon.

A number of fallen trees occurred at several points, such as Garuda Street, Kemayoran Village. In front of the Kemayoran Police, Apron Street, Kebon Blank Village and Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Harapan Mulia Village and several other points.

In addition to closing roads, fallen tree trunks also damaged the houses of residents who were hit by trees.

"The fallen tree incident hit a house on Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Harapan Mulya Village, Kemayoran, there was one victim. Currently, there are still rescue efforts at the scene," said Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Subadi officer picket Subadi to VOI, Monday, December 2.

As of 15.00 WIB, Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. rescue officers are still carrying out evacuation efforts for victims trapped in their homes and falling trees.

"So the house was hit by a tree, there was a victim in the house who was hit by the tree. We focus on handling the location where there were victims," he said.

Subadi said that his party recorded that a fallen tree in Kemayoran occurred in Sumur Batu Village and Kemayoran Village.

"Currently, we are still trying to save at the TKP. We are still handling side by side," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the condition of the victim as a result of being hit by a fallen tree, Subadi could not explain it. The reason is, his party is still making rescue efforts and cutting tree branches.

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