Bags Of Traces Of Perpetrators, Police Spilled Viral Cases Of Cat Torture To Malaysian Animal Department
Illustration of cat animals was moved to cages. (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - The case of torture of cat animals has gone viral in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur Police intervened to investigate.

Kuala Lumpur police chief Rusdi Mohd Isa said the case was handled by the Veterinary Service Department specifically dealing with animals.

"The reporter came to submit a report, and the police report has been forwarded to the Kuala Lumpur Veterinary Law Enforcement Unit for follow-up," Rudsi said in a statement, quoted by Bernama, Sunday, November 24.

Rusdi explained that his party carried out an investigation based on reports from residents who had seen a viral torture video on the application at 17.26, Saturday, November 23.

Rusdi said the video contained an individual whose identity was unknown to torture a cat by pulling a rope tied around the animal's neck.

According to him, the address of the alleged perpetrator was also pocketed by his party from the video footage that became evidence.

The video also features an address in the comments section, which is located in Block A, 23rd Floor Scott Garden Soho, 289, Old Klang Road, 58200 Kuala Lumpur," he said.

Rusdi added that his party had coordinated with the Veterinary Service Department. In handling this case, the investigation was based on Article 29 of the Malaysian Animal Welfare Act in 2015.

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