Closing PGI's Grand Session In Toraja, Vice President Gibran: I'm Sorry
Indonesian Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka (central) beat the drums when closing the 18th Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) at the Indonesian Christian University (UKI) Paulus Toraja, Wednesday, November 13, 2024

TORAJA - Vice President (Vice President) Gibran Rakabuming Raka officially closed the 18th Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) at the Christian University of Indonesia (UKI) Paulus 2 Toraja, Jalan Poros Rantepao-Palopo, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Wednesday night.

On that occasion, Vice President Gibran conveyed greetings from President Prabowo, who is currently still abroad for a working visit.

"Always healthy, yes, ladies and gentlemen. Warm greetings from President Prabowo," said the Vice President to the participants of the PGI Grand Session, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, November 14.

Vice President Gibran was delighted when the Toraja people greeted him warmly for a moment when he arrived at Bonto Kuni Toraja Airport along the road to UKI Paulus, many residents greeted him.

The vice president apologized for coming late to the closing ceremony, because on the way he had stopped distributing milk and books, along with school equipment for children.

"I apologize very much, Mr. Pastor, ladies and gentlemen, I came late. I also apologize, I should have come at the opening," said the Vice President.

His presence at the closing ceremony of the PGI Grand Session, said the Vice President, was an invitation since last year when he was still a candidate for vice president (cawapres) of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Because to be honest, I was invited by the Pastor last year, but still in the status of vice president, invited from last year to attend this PGI event," he said.

The Vice President emphasized that President Prabowo's government is committed to maintaining and strengthening the values of tolerance and religious moderation in society. Therefore, it takes the participation of religious leaders to make it happen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, all who are here, will be able to synergize with the government's vision and program, especially to overcome the problem of intolerance," he said.

The Vice President hopes that the 18th PGI Day Session can produce constructive thoughts for PGI members and the wider community. "Hopefully this event can produce good conclusions too," he said.

He also apologized for not being able to linger, because he had to continue his journey to NTT. "Because our relatives fled, because there was a mountain eruption from NTT. We went to Makassar for a while, then immediately checked the refugees in NTT," he explained.

The vice president also thanked the Acting Governor of South Sulawesi Zudan Arif Fakrulloh and Member of Commission III of the DPR RI Andi Amar Ma'ruf Sulaiman, Acting Regent of North Toraja Amson Padolo, and all the pastors who attended the event.

After delivering his short direction, the Vice President was accompanied by Acting Governor (Pj) Governor of South Sulawesi Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, Elected PGI General Chair Pastor total Manuputty, and General Chairperson of the Toraja Church Synod working Body Pastor Alfred Angigi, closed the activity by beating the drums.

Previously, the 18th Grand Session was opened by the Minister of Religion (Menag) Nasaruddin Umar on November 8, 2024. The activity was attended by around 5,000 people with the hope that churches in Indonesia could contribute to the nation's development and encourage the realization of a just, peaceful and prosperous plural community.

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