Banjarbaru Police Thwarts Circulation Of 9.6 Kilograms Of Methamphetamine
Banjarbaru Police Chief AKBP Dody Harza Kusumah and his staff held a press conference on the success of revealing a case of methamphetamine type narcotics weighing 9.6 kg. (ANTARA/HO-Humas Banjarbaru Police)

BANJARBARU - The Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) of the Banjarbaru Police, South Kalimantan thwarted the circulation of 9.6 kg of methamphetamine, dozens of ecstasy pills of index type and thousands of Happy Five pills.

The perpetrator and owner of the illicit goods are known to have the initials DIS, a resident of Jalan Kelayan B, Kelayan Tengah Village, South Banjarmasin District.

Banjarbaru Police Chief AKBP Dody Harza Kusumah in Banjarbaru said officers arrested the suspect DIS on Jalan Simpati Ujung, Syamsudin Noor Village, Landasan Ulin District, on Friday (8/11) afternoon.

"When we arrested the DIS perpetrators, they wanted to distribute 5.2 kg of crystal methamphetamine and immediately confiscated the evidence," said the Banjarbaru Police Chief.

Dody also said that officers also developed the drug abuse case to the Purnasakti Complex, Basirih Village, West Banjarmasin District.

At the crime scene (TKP), officers again found evidence of crystal methamphetamine weighing 4,422 grams or 4.4 kilograms, along with yellow ecstasy with the spongebob logo as many as 31 pills, blue ecstasy with the RR logo as many as 4.5 pills and 4,570 Happy Five pills.

"From the results of the investigation in the field, only one person with the initials DIS and the drugs will be circulated in the Banjarbaru City area," said AKBP Dody.

The Banjarbaru Police Chief revealed that the results of the temporary examination of DIS were determined as suspects and charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) sub-Article 112 paragraph (2) of Law (UU) Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum penalty of 5 years, and a maximum of 20 years in prison.

"We will continue to develop this case to uncover the network above it, and Alhamdulillah this time our members managed to uncover drug cases with a fairly large amount of evidence," he said.

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