Bomb Explosion At Pakistan's Quetta Station Kills 13 People, Militants Master Of Attack
Sahiwal, Pakistan//ILLUSTRATION UNSPLASH/Kasif Usman

JAKARTA - The death toll from a bomb explosion in Quetta, Pakistan, increased to 13 people. A total of 25 others were injured in a bomb explosion at the train station.

Pakistan is grappling with increasing militant attacks in its northwest and increasing separatist insurgency in the south.

The explosion occurred inside the train station when the express train bound for Peshawar was about to leave for its destination, said senior inspector of police operations, Muhammad Bloch, as reported by Reuters, Saturday, November 9.

Pakistan is dealing with militant groups. Finally, four Pakistani soldiers were killed in a shootout with militants near the northwestern border with Afghanistan. Five Islamist militants were reportedly killed.

Reported by Reuters on Thursday, November 7, gunfire took place in the South Waziristan ethnicity, which is located next to the Afghanistan border an area that has long been a shelter for militants operating on both sides of the border.

Islamabad said militants used Afghan soil to train and plan attacks in Pakistan, a charge Kabul denies.

Pakistan says militants have become a major problem for the South Asian nation.

A militant group called Pakistan's Tahreek-e-Taliban attacked Pakistan and its troops for years in a bid to overthrow the government and replace it with a harsh Islamic system.

The group has accelerated attacks since last year after they lifted a ceasefire with the government, accusing the government of violating the ceasefire.

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