Bogor City Achieves The 2024 Non-Smoking Area Award
Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Bima Arya handed over the 2024 non-smoking area (KTR) award to the Head of the Bogor City Health Service (Kadinkes) Sri Nowo Retno, Tuesday 5 November 2024 (doc the Bogor City Government)

BOGOR - Bogor City Government (Pemkot) through the Health Office (Dinkes) won the 2024 KTR (Non-Smoking Area) implementation award which was handed over directly by the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri), Bima Arya Sugiarto, to the Head of the Bogor City Health Service (Kadinkes), Sri Nowo Retno.

The award was given at the National Training and Workshop (PENTALOKA) held by the Association of Indonesian Health Services (Adinkes) in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, November 5 evening.

Retno said, KTR in Bogor City has existed since 2009 with Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 10 of 2018 concerning Amendments to Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2009 concerning Non-Smoking Areas (KTR).

The KTR regional regulation was created with the aim of protecting passive smokers from exposure to other people's cigarette smoke, creating a healthy and fresh environment without cigarette smoke, as well as preventing novice smokers among children/agema for the realization of a clean, healthy, and free Bogor City from cigarette smoke.

Not only that, Bogor City also has regulations regarding the prohibition of advertising for cigarette products in Bogor City as outlined in Mayor Regulation (Perwali) Number 3 of 2014 concerning the Prohibition of the Implementation of Cigarette Products in Bogor City, which is also strengthened by Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2015 concerning Outdoor Ads, which in Article 8 states that advertisers are prohibited from installing billboards containing addictive substances in the form of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.

"The city of Bogor strongly enforces policies/instructions not to negotiate with the tobacco industry. In 2015 and 2020, the Bogor City Government took a principled stance by canceling international-scale sports activities and their participation in the National Millennial event due to sponsorship from the tobacco industry," said Retno.

Within a year, a Light Crime Court (Tipiring) is also held 3 to 6 times for KTR violators who are caught in sudden inspections or reportedly committing violations.

"The results of the implementation of minor violations from 2010 to 2023 were carried out 66 times and have ensnared 1,123 people who violated the Regional Regulation, 266 agencies have received the first, second, and third warnings with a total of Rp29,047,000 fines that have been deposited into the state treasury," he said.

Based on the results of monitoring the evaluation of the implementation of the 2023 KTR Regional Regulation which was carried out in 1,656 locations spread across Bogor City, an achievement of 78% was obtained. This achievement has increased by 6% from 2022 (achievement in 2022: 72%).

Since the existence of the KTR Regional Regulation, the Age of Life Hope (UHH) in Bogor City has continued to increase. UHH in 2023 has increased by 5.75 compared to 2009.

"This shows that the Bogor City Government continues to strive and is committed to encouraging the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Bogor City through the implementation of the KTR Regional Regulation, prohibition of advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of cigarettes," said Retno.

Meanwhile, in his directive, the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Bima Arya, said that the policies and implementation of KTR are an important program to realize Indonesia Gold 2045.

He also emphasized the importance of continuing to maintain and increase the commitment to tobacco control, political will, leadership commitments including newly elected regional heads, policies and consistent implementation, strengthening data/risets as advocacy materials, and collaboration to complement each other.

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