The Malaysian Meteorological Department (MET Malaysia) warns of seven episodes of heavy rain until March 2025
Archives - Heavy rain occurred in the center of Kuala Lumpur City, Malaysia, Tuesday (15/10/2024). (DOC. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Malaysian Meteorological Department (MET Malaysia) in a media statement accessed in Kuala Lumpur, Saturday (2/11), said the start of the northeast monsoon is expected to begin on November 5, 2024 and end in March 2025.

During that period, according to Malaysia's MET Director-General Mohd Hisham Mohd Anip, it is estimated that Malaysia will face five to seven episodes of heavy rain.

Heavy rains in the early stages of the rainy season from November to December 2024, are expected to occur in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Johor, Sarawak and Sabah.

Meanwhile, from January to February 2025, the potential for heavy rain episodes occurred in Pahang, Johor, Sarawak and Sabah, according to the statement.

However, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, November 2, he said that episodes of heavy rain could also occur in other states of Malaysia if strong waves came along with the occurrence of a low-pressure weather system, so heavy rains would continue to occur.

According to MET's statement, continuous heavy rain for a period of several days or so-called rainy episodes could result in flooding in lowland areas and close to river flows. And if it occurs along with large tides and storm waves, the risk of extreme flooding can occur.

In addition, he said persistent and strong northeast winds could trigger high waves, the risk of sea level rise and large waves in South China Sea waters could occur.

However, he said that towards the end of the rainy season, from January to March 2025, the northern region of the Malaysian Peninsula is expected to experience hot and dry weather and there is the potential for heat waves, although not as bad as 2024 because the intensity of rain is reduced.

He said the public should be prepared, and always be sensitive to the information, suggestions, predictions and weather warnings issued by MET to face the rainy season or also known as the tengkujuh season in Malaysia.

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