Hifdudin ODGJ In Bekasi Finally Released From Pasung Which Makes His Leg Injured
The process of releasing pasung to Hifdudin/ Photo; ISt

JAKARTA - Hifdudin (26), a resident of Bekasi who was pasung because he was considered dangerous to his neighbors, was finally released. Residents let go of the pasung because Hifdudin's feet had decayed.

"He put it one month ago. His leg is rotten," said the victim's neighbor, Marisa Icha (33) while talking to VOI, Wednesday, September 11.

Marisa said Hifdudin was released from the pasung after a volunteer wanted to help him be taken to the hospital.

Yesterday (Tuesday, September 10) was released because her leg was rotting. Was taken by Ms. Pratiwi Noviyanthi (Social Youtuber) to the hospital," he said.

Hifdudin (26) is in pasung because he has a mental disorder and is considered dangerous. The installation was carried out by a number of residents in Galian Village, Sukapure, Cikarang, Bekasi Regency.

Marisa Icha (33), one of the local residents, said that Hifdudin had been in the market for a month because he often went on a rampage and scared people.

"He was in pasung just a month ago. He was angry," said Marisa when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, September 11.

Marisa also said that the victim had actually been treated at the Grogol Mental Hospital, West Jakarta. He was given medicine so that his actions were not too excessive.

But over time, the medicine is often thrown away. Meanwhile, the distance between the hospital and the victim's house, which is very far, makes Hifdudin's condition not handled properly.

"So in the past the medicine was often thrown away by him. He felt'WHY take medicine, am I crazy? I'm really stressed?' Even though he hasn't recovered. So he was returned from there (RSJ grokol), "he said.

His family's condition, which is called a mess, made Hifdudin depressed and often went berserk. He lives with his grandmother.

"They often cry, they want to be treated with no money. So they can only surrender," he said.

The local RT RW knows about the Hifdudin problem. However, that's all that can be done now so that local residents feel comfortable living their daily lives.

RT knows. He was the one who helped take him to RSJ Grogol. But, because there is no cost and is far away. Continue to be troubling, so it will be put in shackles. He put it in his grandmother's house, in the room," said Icha.

As is known, the government continues to strive to provide convenience in health services for the general public in need.

However, it is very sad that there are various kinds of health programs in a number of hospitals that have been running at this time, the installation of people with mental disorders (ODGJ) is still happening in 2024.

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