ODGJ Rampat Di Kafe Palangka Raya, Petugas Damkar Juga Jad Korban
The ODGJ with the initials HM, when he was successfully secured at Jalan Seth Adji, Palangka Raya City, was to be evacuated to the Kalawa Atei Hospital, Sunday (2/2/2025). ANTARA/HO-Call Center 112 Palangka Raya.

PALANGKA RAYA - Palangka Raya City Firefighters, Central Kalimantan, almost became the target of the tantrum of a man with the initials HM (39) who is a person with mental disorders (ODGJ), Sunday (2/2) night.

"Previously we received reports from residents regarding a man who went berserk in a cafe on Jalan Seth Adji, Palangka Raya City," said Head of Call Center 112 Palangka Raya Sucipto as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 3.

After visiting the scene, his party tried to approach a man persuasively to calm the ODGJ.

However, when the effort was being carried out, the ODGJ continued to go berserk and tried to attack Palangka Raya City Firefighters using his bare hands.

"This ODGJ attacked the officers several times. Luckily, the officers had a swift reflex so that the officers managed to avoid the attack," he said.

His party was forced to tie the ODGJ's hand so as not to endanger the officers and local residents, then the person was put into the car.

After communicating with the Palangka Raya City Social Service, the ODGJ was taken to the Kalawa Atei Hospital owned by the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government for further treatment.

"We don't know whether this ODGJ has a family in Palangka Raya City or not. Because this ODGJ cannot be invited to communicate and always tries to attack officers," he said.

However, based on the examination of ODGJ's luggage, an identity was found who was a resident of Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi.

His party will coordinate further with relevant agencies for further processing of ODGJ after receiving treatment.

"Furthermore, it will be communicated again. We want to be sent back to the area wherever we want, we don't know who his family is there. So we take him to the hospital first to get treatment," said Sucipto.

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