Jakarta DPRD Criticizes Central Government OSS System: Slow Settlement
DKI Jakarta DPRD Building (doc DKI Provincial Government)

JAKARTA - Member of the PSI faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD August Hamonangan criticized the Online Single Submission (OSS), an integrated business licensing system managed by the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Agency (BKPM).

August assessed that the authority to grant business licenses taken over by the central government from the local government actually made the process take longer. This is because there is a buildup of applications in the OSS system.

"In fact, when it was taken over by the central government, there were many queues and they were also slow to complete," August said in a statement, Thursday, September 5.

Therefore, August asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to increase coordination with the central government so that the licensing process proposed by the community could be completed more easily and quickly.

On the one hand, August also hopes for an alignment of the vision and mission between the DKI Provincial Government and the central government regarding the preparation of policies in the APBD the following year.

"In my opinion, apart from earlier that the region must have the same vision and mission as the central government, can it also be discussed again so that problems like queues and problem solving do not appear," said August.

Criticism of the OSS system has previously been expressed by the former chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the 2019-2024 period, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi.

Prasetyo regretted that the central government, in issuing OSS, did not pay close attention to the zoning designation set by the local government. As a result, residents who live around businesses in residential areas are often disturbed.

Some of the complaints received by Prasetyo included residents living in the Tulodong area, Widya Chandra, Kemang to Melawai. Residents complained about the place of business which often interferes with the traffic of their residential areas.

Because it is not uncommon for roads, sidewalks, and the front areas of residents' houses to be used as customer parking lots. When protested, the manager of the place of business claimed that they had obtained an online single submission (OSS) permit to run a business.

"They should coordinate with the local government with the rules. The reference for issuing the permit, he doesn't see demographics in his area that this is not for the business. Just hit by this OSS rule," said Prasetyo, last June 20.

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