Age Still Underage, Students In Kebon Jeruk Arrested Bringing Sickles
Celurit brought by students in the Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta/ Photo; ISt

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Precision Pioneer Patrol Team arrested two teenage brawls in the Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta.

"The two teenagers were arrested along with two sharp weapons of the type of sickle and sword around the sluice gate of Jalan Adhi Karya, RT 06/05, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta," said Kebon Jeruk Police Chief, Kompol Sutrisno when confirmed, Wednesday, September 4.

Kompol Sutrisno said the two teenagers were still minors. The perpetrators have acknowledged the possession of the sharp weapon.

"They admit that the sharp weapon belongs to them and that they intend to do a brawl to fulfill the invitation from the opposing group," he said.

Furthermore, Kompol Sutrisno emphasized that his party would not tolerate any form of behavior that could disturb the public.

"We will take firm action," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kebon Jeruk Police, AKP Subartoyo, added that the teenagers arrested were part of a group calling themselves "GARSEL."

"They had planned a brawl and prepared sharp weapons in the form of sickles and swords," he said.

According to AKP Subartoyo, the invitation to the brawl was accepted through Instagram social media, showing how teenage brawls are currently being organized through online platforms.

Given that the two perpetrators are still minors, the police will involve the Correctional Center (Bapas) and related parties for further legal proceedings.

In order to account for their actions, the two teenagers were charged with Article 2 Paragraph 1 of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 concerning possession of sharp weapons.

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