Forward To The 2024 Pilkada, PDIP Minister Pramono Anung And Risma Resign From Jokowi's Cabinet
Indonesia Maju Cabinet (doc Sesneg)

JAKARTA - The governor candidates from the PDI-P (PDIP), Pramono Anung and Tri Rismaharini announced plans to resign from the position of cabinet minister President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Pramono himself admitted to making an announcement this month (September), but the time for submitting his resignation to President Jokowi was still kept secret.

"There is for sure, just in time I will announce it, definitely this month," said Pramono at the MH Thamrin Museum, Central Jakarta, Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the candidate for deputy governor of Jakarta, Rano Karno, will participate in Pramono's plan to resign. He said that next month the campaign stages will begin.

"The problem is that it will no longer be this month, next month the campaign will start," said Rano.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini officially said goodbye to his working partner, Commission VIII of the DPR during a hearing (RDP) at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, last Tuesday. Risma said goodbye because she immediately resigned from the position of Social Minister to take part in the East Java gubernatorial election

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I ask for your permission, and please say goodbye. Sorry if there was my mistake, as long as I was Social Minister and asked for your blessing, even though I was confused asking for your blessing, hopefully the best, God willing, will be the best for Allah, the best for me," said Risma during the RDP with Commission VIII DPR.

Risma also did not forget to apologize if there were mistakes or problems during his time as Social Minister, especially during a meeting with the DPR. According to Risma, Commission VIII of the DPR is a working partner of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) that deserves appreciation.

"Thank you, I apologize if there are things that are not pleasing on purpose or not. Because sometimes I like to joke, sir. I am very sorry. Sorry and thank you so far I have had an extraordinary partner at Commission VIII, I thank you and thank you for your extraordinary experience. especially for me, "said Risma.

It is known that PDIP has officially promoted Tri Rismaharini and Zahrul Azhar Asumta or Gus Hans as cagub and cawagub pairs in the 2024 East Java Pilkada. Risma-Gus Hans must fight hard to win the contest of the East Java gubernatorial election because they have to face the incumbent pair, Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Dardak.

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