Potentially Winning, PDIP Is Considered Loss If It Doesn't Promote Its Own Cadre To Advance For The Jepara Regional Head Election
Illustration of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada (ANTARA)

LlJAKARTA - PDIP Perjuangan is considered a loss if it does not carry its own cadres forward in the 2024 Jepara Pilkada. This is because the PDIP cadre and the incumbent Regent of Jepara, Dian Kristiandi, have the potential to win if they see the survey results.

In the results of the electability survey for candidates for Regent and Candidate for Deputy Regent of Jepara 2024 released by Pandawa Research, Dian Kristiandi's electability was at 30.2 percent. Followed by Witiarso Utomo 27.9 percent and Nuruddin Amin 24.6 percent.

Meanwhile, the results of the Ananta Research survey showed that the public's liking for Dian Kristiandi was 82.7 percent. Meanwhile, Witiarso Utomo only got 81.4 percent.

Meanwhile, in the survey results of the Indonesian Election Study Institute (LKPI), Dian Kristiandi's pair, if juxtaposed with Jadug Trimulyo, are in the top position. In addition, if the two are paired, there is a chance to win in the 2024 Jepara Pilkada.

"So it would be a loss if the PDIP in the Jepara Pilkada did not carry its cadres," said Political Observer Nahdlatul Ulama, Rikal Dikri in his statement, Monday, August 26.

Rikal said this could not be separated from Dian Kristiandi's performance while serving as regent. Plus the Central Java Provincial Inspectorate (Central Java) gave a positive assessment of the final performance of the Regent of Jepara Dian Kristiandi for the 2017-2022 period.

"From the results of the assessment, we get a good predicate with a score of 88.18," said Rikal.

Rikal said that currently the results of the 2024 PDI election managed to obtain 8 DPRD seats in Jepara Regency or 16 percent. If you refer to the decision on case number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 submitted by the Labor Party and the Gelora Party, one of the decisions states that regencies/cities with a population of more than 500 thousand to 1 million voters remain.

Meanwhile, political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the election must obtain at least 7.5 percent of valid votes in these regencies/cities. So, said Rikal, PDIP can carry its own in the Jepara regional elections.

"Taking outsiders will have an impact on the victory of the PDI-P in the Central Java Pilkada later," he concluded.

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