Entering RI Illegal Via Tanjung Balai, Bangladeshi Citizen In Aceh Sued 1 Year In Prison
The defendant of Bangladeshi Citizen, Parvez, listened to the prosecutor's demands during the trial at the Banda Aceh District Court, Tuesday (13/8/2024). (ANTARA)

ACEH - The public prosecutor (JPU) has demanded a Bangladeshi citizen (WN) to be sentenced to 1 year in prison for entering and living in Indonesia illegally.

The defendant, on behalf of Parvez, attended the trial accompanied by his legal adviser.

The prosecutor also demanded that the defendant Parvez pay a fine of Rp. 5 million, subsidiary to three months in prison.

"Declaring that the defendant Parvez has been legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 119 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 6 Year 2011 concerning immigration," said Public Prosecutor Yuni Rahayu during a trial at the Banda Aceh District Court, Tuesday, August 13, which was confiscated by Antara.

Based on the facts and statements of witnesses, said the Public Prosecutor, the defendant entered and lived in Indonesia without the legal documents for traveling abroad.

The defendant entered Indonesian territory from Malaysia illegally through Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) in February 2023. Furthermore, the defendant headed to Banda Aceh City to meet his wife in Banda Aceh City.

The prosecutor said that the defendant Parvez was finally arrested by a joint team in Gampong Pie, Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh City, on February 29, 2024.

Before prosecuting the defendant, the Public Prosecutor considered aggravating and mitigating matters. Aggravating things, the defendant entered and lived in Indonesia illegally.

"Meanwhile, mitigating matters, the defendant has never been convicted. The defendant admitted that he did not repeat his actions. The defendant entered Indonesia because his wife was sick in Banda Aceh," said the prosecutor.

After hearing the prosecutor's demands, the panel of judges asked whether the defendant filed a defense or not. The defendant and his legal adviser stated that they had filed a written defense.

The panel of judges continued the trial on August 20, 2024 with the agenda of hearing the defendant's defense.

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