PDIP 'Stip' Garbage Problems To Candidates For Regional Heads Promoted
PDIP (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - PDIP Perjuangan (PDIP) requires all regional heads that it will carry to preserve the environment.

This is based on the waste problems faced by half of the regencies or cities in Indonesia.

"We will ask all regional classes nominated from PDIP to have a clear commitment related to the environment and waste management," said PDIP DPP chairman MY Esti Wijayanti to reporters, Saturday, August 10.

"So this is automatic and included in the vision and mission of regional head candidates from PDIP. I think this is a big commitment from PDIP, one of which is about waste management," he continued.

One example of a city facing a problem with waste is Yogyakarta. On the edge of the ringroad is full of garbage.

"Indeed, there are still 35 percent of the waste that cannot be processed according to the narrative and also from data from the Ministry of Environment," he said.

So, with an emphasis on the candidates for regional heads to be promoted by PDIP, it is hoped that the waste problem can be resolved.

"So this is a problem where PDI Perjuangan is indeed quite concerned and then take part to be able to solve this waste problem," said Esti.

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