Father Of 7 Children In India Earns IDR 62,000 A Day Finds IDR 1.6 Billion Diamond
Illustration of the discovery of precious stones, diamonds. (Unsplash-Job Savelsberg)

JAKARTA - The father of seven children in India earns IDR 63 thousand a day, which involves debt finding a diamond worth 78 thousand pounds or around IDR 1.6 billion.

Raju Gond, 40, found the diamond while with her sister digging for gold in a 64-square-foot government plot in Madhya Pradesh, India.

"My heart was palpitating for a moment, but I immediately found out that it was a diamond when I continued to clean up the land because the diamond continued to shine brightly," said Rajia, quoted from Metro.co.uk, Monday, July 29.

Raju works as abuatan laborer to survive. Sometimes he becomes a driver for a rich farmer, works in a diamond mine or mine in the Panna district area.

After finding the diamond, Raju and her sister immediately went to the diamond sales office to secure the 19.22 carat valuable stone.

Knowing the discovery, diamond hunters came to Panna.

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