In The Aftermath Of Extortion Of AC Procurement, Principal Of SMAN In Bali Called Inspectorate
Illustration of extortion (ANTARA)

DENPASAR - Bali Provincial Inspector Wayan Sugiada said he would summon all principals of SMA/SMK in the aftermath of findings of indications of illegal levies for the procurement of air conditioning or cooling rooms at SMAN 6 Denpasar.

"Immediately we will call all school principals, nothing like that, there is a plan to call if possible this July I invite the principal so that there are no such levies," he said in Denpasar, Friday.

Before summoning the school principals, the Bali Inspectorate had also made a circular and appeal in accordance with the direction of Acting Governor Sang Made Mahendra.

The Bali Inspectorate plans to summon all school principals, both public and private, but Sugiada feels that extortion has the most potential to occur in public schools.

As at SMAN 6 Denpasar, the decision letter No. B.10,400.3.8/413/SMAN6DPS/DIKPORA was viral about the results of the meeting of the leaders of SMAN 6 Denpasar, the committee, and parents of students which contained the basis for the collection of room conditioning facilities amounting to Rp1.5 million per new student.

Sugiada then received a complaint from the public that there were indications of extortion at the school so that he immediately dispatched a team and it was true that he received evidence of levies that students' parents complained about.

"At that time I also called the principal of the school and I suggested to stop levies because it is a category of extortion, it also means that levies are carried out without legal basis, donations for monthly contributions through the school committee are already there," he said.

After that, SMAN 6 Denpasar finally made a letter of cancellation No.B.10,400.3.8/423/SMAN6DPS/DIKPORA to revoke the payment for air conditioning but still contained information on school uniform costs of Rp. 2.2 million, MPLS costs Rp. 150,000, and a monthly committee of Rp. 250,000.

"In other high schools I have also done (inspection) I have not found a case, hopefully there will be no more, in the current situation it should not be like that," said the Bali Provincial Inspector.

According to him, before this there had never been a case of illegal levies in school institutions, because the local government itself already has a Bali Governor Regulation 37 of 2019 concerning Anti-Corruption Education.

"In Article 4 so that students and educators cannot be corrupt, we are also in terms of preventing corruption from conducting socialization with school principals," he said.

Later in a meeting with the principal, Sugiada will emphasize existing regulations such as committee and uniform fees that have rules.

"Pay clothes, there are rules, then through the committee to increase the quality of the school, that's also based on the principle of propriety, the name is looking for public schools, you want to be free of charge," he continued.

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