A Total Of 28 Schools Damaged In Kudus Regency Begins To Be Improved
Photos Of Damaged Schools In Kudus (Between)

KUDUS - The Youth and Sports Education Office of Kudus Regency, Central Java, noted that 28 damaged schools began to be repaired from plans to repair 115 elementary and junior high schools in Kudus Regency.

"Of the 28 schools that have been started by third parties, one of them has been completed," said Head of the Basic Education Division of the Youth and Sports Education Office of Kudus Anggun Nugroho Regency in Kudus, Sunday.

The repair of the completed school facilities and infrastructure, he said, was SD 6 Hadipolo in Jekulo District. For other schools, he said, it is still a process for signing contracts because most of them are carried out through direct promotion mechanisms.

Meanwhile, four work packages were carried out by auction, he said, three of them had been raised to the Goods Procurement Section (Barjas) of the Kudus Regency Secretariat.

"One package is still waiting for a decision because there is still an examination from the Barjas Setda Kudus," he said.

Regarding the repair of damaged schools that have not been able to start at the beginning of the year, among others, because there is still a planning stage followed by price surveys, analyst preparation, building drawing to be repaired, preparation of budget plans (RAB), and determination of the estimated price itself (HPS). Then there are still corrections, so it takes a short time.

Previously, there was also a Lebaran holiday so that the time could only be optimized afterward. The budget for repairs to 115 elementary and junior high schools that were damaged in the 2024 APBD is IDR 23.79 billion.

Of the proposed number of damaged schools, for SD 103 schools and SMP 12 schools, while the budget for each school between Rp150 million to Rp200 million is adjusted to the damage in each school.

For the budget from the center through the special allocation fund (DAK), the allocation is around Rp. 8 billion, namely Rp. 5.3 billion, including for elementary schools and Rp. 2.7 billion for junior high schools.

The schools that were targeted for repairs were spread across nine sub-districts, including Mejobo, Kaliwungu, Undaan, Kota, Dawe, Bae, Jati, Jekulo and Gebog sub-districts.

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