Immigration Issue: Biden Says His Previouss Separated The Babies, Trump Blames His Substitute For The Murder Of US Citizens
Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the 2024 US Presidential Election debate. ( CNN YouTube Channel screenshot)

JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump attacked each other over immigration policy, highlighting problems on the country's borders.

The Democratic and Republican presidential candidate argued in a presidential election debate held by CNN at Atlanta studio, Georgia, Thursday night.

President Joe Biden said his government was working very hard to secure a bipartisan border agreement with Congress, criticizing Trump's immigration actions during his tenure.

"We are in a situation where when he becomes president, he takes, separates, babies from their mothers, puts them in a cage, ensures that their families are separated. That's not the right way," President Biden said. June 28.

Trump retaliated by claiming that towards the end of his reign, the country had "the safest border in history in recent months."

He also reiterated the claim, "the largest number of terrorists" from around the world "coming to our country today".

"Now we have the worst border in history. Nothing has ever been like this, and people have died everywhere," Trump criticized.

In the first few months of his term of office, President Biden's immigration policy focused on reversing Trump's rules and promises.

Nearly immediately after taking office, President Biden signed an executive order canceling the expansion of Trump's immigration enforcement, reversing Trump's restrictions on the entry of passport holders from seven Muslim-majority countries to Uncle Sam's country and halting the construction of border walls.

His policy has shown how Biden tries to be cautious, seeks to reduce the number of migrant crossings while promising some undocumented protection for immigrants, who have been in the United States for years and have been building families and careers.

Amid large migrant crossings and some bipartisan criticism of its immigration policy, President Biden has taken steps that anger some immigration rights activists.

In early June, Biden implemented an authority banning migrants crossing the US-Mexico border illegally seeking asylum once the daily threshold was met, a significant effort by the president to directly address one of its biggest political vulnerabilities. The executive's actions came after the border-related bipartisan action failed earlier this year.

Later, Biden announced other executive actions allowing undocumented US spouses and children to apply for valid permanent status without having to leave the country.

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