Prasetyo Wanti-wanti Khoirudin PKS Becomes Chair Of The 2024 Jakarta DPRD: The Largest Enemy Is Your Own Faction
Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi (Diah Ayu/VOI)

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the 2019-2024 period, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi admitted that he had given advice to Khoirudin who was projected as Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the period 2024-2029.

Khoirudin is the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PKS Regional Leadership Council (DPW) who is now also the Deputy Chair of the DPRD from the PKS Faction. In the 2024 Legislative Election, PKS received the most votes in the Jakarta DPRD, thus getting the seat of Chairman of the DPRD.

To Khoirudin, Prasetyo, who is from the PDIP faction, reminded him to maintain integrity and not to follow all the wishes of his own faction when he leads the Kebon Sirih parliament in the future.

"I told Mr. Khoirudin, first of all, the father must have a clean business first. Clear and clean first, here. Second, your 'enemy' is your own faction. That is natural law," Prasetyo explained to reporters, Monday, June 24.

According to Prasetyo, there are concerns that the faction of the election-winning party will act arbitrarily on the interests of their own party. If that happens, Prasetyo stressed that Khoirudin must dare to say no to the wishes of his faction.

This is based on Prasetyo's experience during the PDIP as the winner of the DKI DPRD Pileg for the 2014-2019 and 2019-2024 periods.

"Because it's nothing, he (PKS) is the winner of the election (Pileg DPRD DKI Jakarta), it must have been like that at first. But I didn't. When my faction was not right, I said it wasn't true. That was the first principle, then we took 105 members of the council," he explained.

If the chairman of the DPRD always obeys his faction's wishes without considering his right and wrong, Prasetyo continued, it would harm his own position.

"I told him, if it's not true I crossed out (the budget), boss. Because, if there is any problem, I have to be responsible," continued Prasetyo.

On the other hand, Prasetyo also reminded Khoirudin to always open communication with the governor and ranks of the DKI Provincial Government as executive so that regional governments can run well.

The General Election Commission (KPU) of DKI Jakarta Province has determined the results of the vote acquisition for the 2024-2029 DKI Jakarta DPRD election. This is stated in the DKI Jakarta Provincial KPU Decree Number 33 of 2024.

As a result, 11 political parties are expected to qualify in this year's DKI DPRD legislative election. Then, PKS became the political party with the most votes in the 2024 DKI Jakarta DPRD legislative election with 18 council members.

PKS managed to replace PDIP as the winning party in the Kebon Sirih parliament which won the 2019 DKI DPRD legislative election. PDIP is now the party with the second most votes and the third Gerindra.

This is based on the calculation of determining the number of seats using the design song method regulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (UU Pemilu).

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