Message At Jakarta Anniversary, Chairman Of DPRD: Don't Let The New Governor Not Continue The Idea Of The Old Governor
Chairman Of The DKI Jakarta DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi/PHOTO: Diah Ayu-VOI

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, gave a message to the regional head on the 497th anniversary of the City of Jakarta. Jakarta's anniversary this year is the last anniversary before Jakarta leaves the status of the capital city.

At this year's anniversary, Jakarta will also experience a change of leadership through the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. Thus, Prasetyo reminded the next governor of Jakarta to continue the development prioritized by the previous leaders.

"Our old program, for example, is like MRT, now it's phase two, later the third phase will be from West Jakarta to Cakung. This must be continued. Well, this should not let the new governor have new ideas and not forward old ideas," said Prasetyo at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Saturday, June 22.

Mengapa hal ini perlu diingatkan? Prasetyo menjelaskan, selama dua periode menjabat sebagai Ketua DPRD DKI, ia menyiliai saat ini Jakarta belum terbebas dari dua masalah klasik, yakni banjir dan macet.

Meanwhile, according to him, there is often a discrepancy between the governor's flood control program which is currently leading with the previous governor.

"Flooding during the Jokowi era, Ahok, Pak Jarot was continued with the sheetpile, then it was returned to the sea. Was Jakarta's question not flooded? I said, it must still be flooded, but that's where it was minimized," explained Prasetyo.

"Right now, I'm also dizzy as governor, asked about the flood problem, the answer must also be dizzy. But yes, all of the previous leaders must continue (programs). So when there is still flooding (after being swabbed), then make it an infiltration well or what form," he added.

In addition, Prasetyo also reminded the next governor to pay close attention to the priority budget allocation.

Initially, local governments had to comply with mandatory spending budgeting for education and health. Furthermore, the government must sort out a more priority budget to allocate.

"Not all SKPD (regional work units) can be given. Because if everything is given, it ends up corruption. What happens? The ideas don't arrive. Well, we have to avoid those things," he said.

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