JAKARTA - A stepfather with the initials B (25) in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta has the heart to molest his 12 year old daughter. B molested IK (the initials of the victim), when the victim's biological mother worked as a washing worker at a neighbor's house.
"Every action, the victim is threatened by the perpetrator. If he reports to his mother, he will answer," said Head of PPA Central Jakarta Metro Police, Iptu Ari Muratno to VOI, Monday, May 27.
The perpetrators began to carry out their actions in 2022, and finally in December 2023.
"The victim is still in elementary school. The victim was also threatened by the perpetrator, the repeated act was there," he said.
Apart from being threatened, the victim IK was also lured with Rp. 5,000 from his stepfather.
"The victim was lured to give Rp. 5,000. So indeed after that he was given Rp. 5,000," he said.
Suspect B has been married to the victim's biological mother since 4 years ago.
"The motive was because the suspect was lustful with the victim, then there was a chance when the house was quiet. He immediately took action with the victim," he said.
"The perpetrator did it during the curfew when his mother was sleeping and in the afternoon when his mother was working on clothes at his neighbor. The victim and the perpetrator were related to his stepdaughter," he said.
Currently, B has been detained at the Central Jakarta Metro Police. Meanwhile, the victim and his younger siblings were referred to a safe house. As a result of his actions, suspect B was charged with multiple articles on child protection.
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