The Survey Proves That There Are Still Women Who Have No Problem With Husbands Hitting Their Wives, The Reason Is That The Cooking Is Burnt
Illustration / ANTARA

JAKARTA - The survey results show that there are still women who do not question their husbands beating their wives.

The results of this survey were revealed by Valentina Gintings, Assistant Deputy for the Protection of Women's Rights in the Household and the Vulnerable of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. Quoting the Indonesian Health Demographic Survey (SDKI), Valentina said that there are still women who justify husbands hitting their wives if their wives do not fulfill their obligations.

"One of the questions in the survey is whether it is agreed that a husband is justified in hitting his wife because of certain circumstances," said Valentina in a webinar entitled "Women, Dare to Speak" quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 9.

The result, he said, was that 32 percent of women aged 15-64 years agreed if their husbands beat their wives for one of five reasons. Meanwhile, 17 percent of men agreed to this.

"Can you imagine that there are still women who justify their husbands to beat their wives for these five reasons? We asked the men, 17 percent agreed," he said.

The reasons referred to in the survey, said Valentina, were the highest, namely when the wife neglected the child, then in succession the lowest percentage was leaving without saying goodbye, refusing sexual relations, denying her husband and burning food.

The Ministry of PPPA, affirmed Valentina, continues to strive to reduce the level of violence against Indonesian women.

This is in accordance with President Joko Widodo's direction, namely increasing the empowerment of women in entrepreneurship, increasing the role of mothers and families in education and childcare.

These include reducing violence against women and children, reducing the percentage of working children and preventing child marriage, said Valentinas Gintings.

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