Reckless Like Street Racers, Angkot 06A Lindas Driver Ojol And Passengers In East Jakarta
The ojol driver who was hit by an angkot at Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta on Friday 10 May 2024. (Special)

Due to reckless driving, a blue 06A angkot car bound for Jatinegara-Gandaria-Pasar Rebo crashed into an ojol driver and his passenger who was stopped at the traffic light under the Pasar Rebo flyover, Jalan Raya Bogor, Ciracas District, East Jakarta, Friday, May 10.

"I stopped at the red light, suddenly my car was hit from behind. I saw it was an angkot like a two-car race, but none of them. The one that was run over by the ojol and the passenger," said Ridho, an eye witness to the incident at the location.

As a result, the ojol rider was dragged by his motorbike until he suffered a broken wound. Meanwhile, the ojol passenger bounced and entered under the 06A angkot. Despite receiving serious injuries, the lives of the two motorcyclists survived.

"The passenger was run over, but the passenger was still able to stand with a torn wound. The ojol driver broke his hand, he was carried," he said.

According to Ridho, initially ojol drivers and their passengers stopped their motorbikes at the red light at Pasar Rebo.

"Ojol stopped beside me, suddenly there were two Komilet Jaya from behind speeding up. He wanted to overtake the left komitet but couldn't," he said.

Meanwhile, the angkot driver tried to escape after the accident. Residents and road users who knew about the incident immediately secured the driver.

"If you look at the driver's eyes, it looks like he is drunk. He was about to run away, the reason is not him," he said.

However, due to many eyewitnesses and amateur video footage, angry residents finally vented their emotions on the crasher who had evaded it.

"The victim was seriously injured, ojol and the passenger," he said.

Furthermore, online motorcycle taxi drivers and their passengers were taken to Pasar Rebo Hospital for treatment. The case is handled by the East Jakarta Traffic Unit.

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