BPJS Health Fines: Calculation, And How To Check Arrears Fee
Illustration of the BPJS Health card (Photo: Antara).

YOGYAKARTA BPJS Kesehatan is a public legal entity tasked with organizing the National Health Insurance (JKN). To benefit BPJS Kesehatan, the public needs to register as participants and pay dues every month. For participants who are late in paying or in arrears of dues, there will be a BPJS Kesehatan fine waiting.

Actually, BPJS Kesehatan participants who are in arrears of dues will not be subject to a service fine by health insurance providers.

However, in Presidential Regulation Number 64 of 2020 concerning the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance states that membership status will be disabled from the following 1 month.

The deactivator of BPJS Health membership status applies to independent participants or participants whose fees are paid by employers.

The fine will be imposed on participants who are hospitalized within 45 days of their active membership status returning.

"Within 45 (fourty five) days since the active membership status, participants are required to pay a fine to BPJS Kesehatan for every advanced hospitalization health service obtained", reads in conjunction with 42 Paragraph (5).

Thus, participants who do not receive hospitalization within 45 days from the status of their participants being reactivated, will not be subject to a BPJS Health fine.

Participants who are hospitalized within 45 days of their membership status being reactivated are required to pay a due fine of 5 percent of the initial diagnosis fee for inpatient services multiplied by arrears.

BPJS Kesehatan fines have provisions, namely the total arrears of 12 months or one year and the maximum fine of Rp. 30 million.

At least, there are 4 ways to check BPJS Health fines, namely through the official website, SMS, WhatsApp, and the JKN Mobile application.

The following are steps to check the BPJS Kesejatan fine through the official BPJS Kesehatan website or website.

How to check the BPJS Health fine via SMS, namely:

Meanwhile, how to check BPJS Kesehatan fines via WhatsApp, namely:

How to check BPJS Kesehatan fines through the Mobile JKN application, namely:

That's information about BPJS Kesehatan fines. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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