Mario Dandy's Rubicon Will Soon Be Auctioned, All The Results For David Ozora's Restitution
Mario Dandy Satriyo (medium) discussed with his attorney while attending the trial for reading the verdict at the South Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, Thursday (7/9/2023)... BETWEEN PHOTO/Indrianto Eko Suwarso/rwa
JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Attorney (Kejari Jaksel) immediately auctioned Mario Dandy's luxury Rubicon car and the results will be handed over to the victim, in accordance with the judge's decision. "Restitution and so on, we will try as soon as possible," said Head of South Jakarta Prosecutor's Office Haryoko Ari Prabowo in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, March 15. The Rubicon car used by Mario Dandy at the time of the incident was also auctioned immediately, according to the judge's decision. After the car is sold out, all the results will be given to the victim of the persecution, namely David Ozora. "Later we will auction, the decision will be auctioned to the victim, we will definitely do it as soon as possible," he said. In addition, said Haryoko, his party also immediately executed Mario Dandy after the Supreme Court (MA) rejected the appeal filed. Haryoko added that his party was still taking care of the files needed to execute the convict in the persecution case. "We will try as soon as possible, hopefully next week it will be done. Then related to other things, we will try as soon as possible," he said. Previously, the Supreme Court on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, decided on case number: 101 / K / Pid / 2024, namely Mario Dandy Satriyo's appeal and upheld the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT). For the cassation decision, Mario Dandy was still sentenced to 12 years in prison. The South Jakarta District Court has sentenced Mario Dandy Satriyo to 12 years in prison in the case of mistreatment of Cristalino David Ozora. The verdict of the panel of judges is the same as the demands filed by the public prosecutor (JPU). Mario Dandy was sentenced to 12 years in prison.
In this case, the defendant Mario was charged by the prosecutor with 12 years in prison and paid the restitution or replaced with a sentence of seven years in prison on charges of violating Article 355 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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