JAKARTA - Trials on the use of BPJS Kesehatan as a condition for making a police record certificate (SKCK) have begun in early March at six Regional Police (Polda). Director of Compliance and Interrelations of the BPJS Health Institute, Mundiharno revealed that this trial process will last for three months in six Polda spread across several regions of Indonesia. "The piloting process or trial will last for three months, from March to May 2024 at Samsat six Polda," said Mundiharno in his statement, Thursday, March 7. The dynamics of the Regional Police participating in this trial, namely the Riau Islands Police, Central Java Police, East Kalimantan Police, South Sulawesi Police, Bali Police, and West Papua Police. After three months, an evaluation of the successful implementation will be carried out. "From there, of course, there will be an evaluation after three months, whether this can be replicated throughout the region, technically or non-technically. It is not necessarily finished May (piloting), (waiting) the results from evaluation," he explained. If the evaluation shows good results and without constraints, this implementation will be extended to all regions in Indonesia. The purpose of this trial stage is to see to what extent the interconnection system between Korlantas and BPJS Health can run, as well as to ensure the smoothness of the registration process and contribution payments for JKN participants.
Mundiharno also explained that at this time, people who do not have BPJS Kesehatan or JKN must register first before making a SKCK. "First, those who have not registered (to become JKN participants), are welcome to register and those who are not active, are welcome to be active. However, for the time being, registration. Because our card number (JKN) is temporarily considered to be able to become our participants, but later the stage is active (active participants)," he added.
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