BPSJ Becomes A Requirement To Make SKCK Starting March 2024, Here Are The Provisions
BPJS is a requirement to make SKCK (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Starting Friday (1/3) March 2024, BPJS Kesehatan can be used to make a Police Record Certificate (SKCK). BPJS's policy is a requirement to make SKCK aimed at making it easier for people who need the document for various purposes, such as applying for a job or a CPNS list.

The implementation of the BPJS policy as a condition for making this SKCK is in accordance with the National Police Regulation Number 6 of 2023 concerning the Issuance of Police Records Certificates. In realizing this policy, the National Police together with BPJS Health carry out a trial first to ensure that the applicant is protected by National Health Insurance (JKN).

The BPJS implementation trial is a requirement for SKCK to be carried out on March 1-May 31, 2024. The National Police carried out trials in a number of places, including the Semarang Polrestabes and the Pedurungan Police (Central Java Police), the Balerang Police and the Batu Aji Police (Riau Islands Police), the Balikpapan Police and the Central Balikpapan Police (East Kalimantan Police), the Denpasar Police and the South Denpasar Police (Polda Bali), and others.

The implementation of BPJS Kesehatan can be a requirement for making SKCK is a follow-up to Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022 concerning Optimization of the JKN Program. In the regulation, 30 Ministries/agencies including the National Police are mentioned to support the implementation of the JKN program.

Dozens of Ministries and institutions are also asked to ensure that JKN's participation is active for the community. Agencies and institutions must also take steps according to their respective duties, functions and authorities.

Provisions For Those Who Don't Exist As BPJS Health Participants

There are several things that must be done for people who want to make SKCK but have not been registered as BPJS Kesehatan participants or whose membership status is not active. The following are provisions that must be met:

a. Already have BPJS, but the membership status is not active

Applicants need to activate participation because they are in arrears in contributions, namely by paying arrears of dues through the due payment channel in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan.

b. Arrears and has not been able to pay due arrears

Registering for the BPJS Kesehatan REHAB REHAB Program through the Mobile JKN application or contacting Care Center 165. The program provides convenience and relief for participants of the Non-Wage Recipient Workers (PBPU) segment or independently who have arrears of dues so that they can make payment in stages.

c. Not active because he has just completed his education at the university (who was previously the son of a participant in the Wage Recipient Worker segment (PPU)

Applicants must activate participation by diverting their participation to independent participants via Pandawa chat at WhatsApp number 08118165165.

d. Not active because when will continue education

In the event that the applicant is over 21-25 years old and is still continuing their education, then they are still dependents of the parents in the JKN Program. Applicants can access Pandawa chats at Whatsapp number 08118165165.

Applicants use the 'Reactivation of Participation Status' feature, then stop the data and upload a lecture certificate or proof of paying the last school fees. Furthermore, the applicant's membership is immediately active.

People who have not been registered as BPJS Kesehatan participants or whose status is inactive can still make SKCK. However, in the process of issuing SKCK, they will also register or activate BPJS Kesehatan status.

There are several documents that must be given to officers at the police station, as follows:

Demikian informasi kebijakan BPJS jadi syarat membuat SKCK yang harus diketahui oleh masyarakat. Adanya kebijakan ini dapat memudahkan masyarakat ketika ingin membuat SKCK untuk kebutuhan mengajukan kerja, melanjutkan Studi, maupun mendaftar CPNS. Baca juga layanan KB yang ditanggungi BPJS Kesehatan.

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