Denny Indrayana Ready To Prove Uncle Birin's Fraud At The Constitutional Court Session To Defeat DUITocracy
Constitutional Court Building (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Denny Indrayana-Difiriadi Derajat's lawsuit over the dispute over the results of the South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan) Pilgub continues to the trial of evidence at the Constitutional Court (MK). Denny Indrayana is ready to prove the cheating of his opponent who was declared victorious in the South Kalimantan Pilgub, Sahbirin Noor alias Uncle Birin.

"Alhamdulillah, there is certainty that the ultimate lawsuit for the South Kalimantan Pilgub dispute was approved by the Constitutional Court to continue at the trial of evidence. That means our argument, our argument is considered sufficient and strong by the assembly so that the trial is continued, ”said the head of South Kalimantan, Denny Indrayana, in his statement quoted by VOI, Thursday, February 18.

The decision of the Constitutional Court to continue the lawsuit of the South Kalimantan Pilgub to the trial of continued evidence of the former Deputy Minister of Human Rights proves the exception of the South Kalimantan KPU or the refutation of candidate pair Sahbirin Noor (Uncle Birin) -Muhidin is weak to stop the lawsuit filed by Denny Indrayana.

Denny Indrayana asked the people of Banua South Kalimantan to help him by providing evidence such as pictures or videos for the trial of evidence. The Constitutional Court hearing on the lawsuit by the South Kalimantan Pilgub will further schedule the examination of witnesses, evidence and expert testimony.

"This is the last chance to determine the future fate of South Kalimantan, whether we can uphold democracy, the people's sovereignty or if we are defeated by the DUITocracy, money sovereignty, money sovereignty," said Denny Indrayana.

"For that we must all strengthen our determination and enthusiasm. "We need to keep going," said Denny.

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